A “Make Your Own” Night, featuring Cannabis Infused Tinctures & Crystal Infused Elixirs


Calgary, Alberta | March 2, 2020

“Through sharing my knowledge, recipes, and experiences I’m hoping to nurture your sense of curiosity about cannabis, tinctures, and elixirs. I present some of the reasoning that brought these medicines into my life. You’re welcome to ask your questions about infused tinctures, elixirs, and to get excited about making your own! I’ll answer what I can, and provide references to further your own journey.”

*No Cannabis flower or Cannabis plants are on site for the workshop. No Cannabis will be consumed. No Cannabis is for sale.

Stacey Perlin presents her knowledge and experience with cannabis-infused tinctures. She’ll share her lessons from over the years and explain why she works with crystal and gem infused elixirs. She is an established public speaker, a long-term medical cannabis user, and works to support the cannabis industry in Alberta through a variety of projects and partnerships.

Stacey was diagnosed with a variety of arthritic conditions along her spine in 2016, and has been working with doctors for the past 4 years to diagnose her existing musculoskeletal challenges. She has used cannabis to help address her chronic pain and its accompanying anxiety, as well as regain her range of motion. She is a crystal-elixir infused tinctures enthusiast, and crafts her own elixirs, for her health and spirituality practices. Her tinctures have helped her and others cope with chronic pain, anxiety, and nurture connection to Spirit. She’s hoping to encourage others to learn how to make their own healing medicines, and support better relationships with our health. She is currently working to establish an annual festival in Calgary to celebrate mental health and cannabis awareness.

The venue partner is TEN7TEEN, who offer their classroom space for event rentals and create events like “The Smoke Show”, a live cabaret of acts as well as operate Calgary and Banff “Cannabis Tours” that entertain and safely promote cannabis culture.

  • Find more information through the following links: Workshop Tickets: https://smlmarchworkshop.eventbrite.ca
  • Leafly’s Cannabis Events in Alberta for March 2020: https://www.leafly.ca/news/canada/cannabisevents-alberta-march-2020
  • Lift & Co’s Cannabis Events In Canada: March 2020: https://lift.co/magazine/cannabis-events-incanada-march-2020 Organizer Profile: https://selfmedicatedlady.eventbrite.ca
  • Self Medicated Lady Website: https://www.selfmedlady.com, Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/selfmedicatedlady, Twitter: https://twitter.com/SelfMedLady
  • TEN7TEEN Website: http://ten7teencannabis.com/