Maximizing Yields and Quality By Adding Blackstrap Molasses in Flowering


You are on the quest to grow the best weed. And we might have a way to help your harvest improve in both yield and quality.

Enter blackstrap molasses. This robust byproduct of the sugar refining process is making waves among growers for its potential to enhance the flowering phase of cannabis plants. But what is the science behind this sugary supplement, and how can cultivators harness its benefits and what exactly does it do?  Below you will learn how blackstrap molasses can make your grow a little bit better, how to use molasses when growing weed and what the process behind it’s magic is.


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Should I Use Molasses When Growing Weed?

Blackstrap molasses is rich in essential minerals such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, and iron, which are crucial for the healthy growth of cannabis plants. During the flowering stage, cannabis plants have an increased demand for these nutrients to support the development of buds. This is where molasses steps in, serving as a natural, cost-effective supplement or super nutrient.

The high sugar content of molasses also feeds the beneficial microbes present in the soil. These microorganisms break down complex organic matter into simpler forms that the plant roots can easily absorb. This symbiotic relationship between the microbes and the roots leads to a healthier root zone and, consequently, more robust plant growth.

Furthermore, molasses can help improve the soil’s structure, increase its water-holding capacity, and reduce the risk of nutrient lockout by lowering the soil pH slightly. This ensures that your cannabis plants can access the nutrients they need without hindrance.

Does Molasses Help You Grow Better Weed?

Growers who incorporate blackstrap molasses into their feeding regimen often report a range of tangible benefits, here’s a few recorded benefits from cultivars we trust.

Benefits To Using Molasses for Growing Weed

  • Enhanced Bud Quality: Molasses can contribute to denser, more resinous buds, potentially leading to a more potent and aromatic final product.
  • Improved Plant Health: The boost in nutrients and microbial activity helps the plants to fend off diseases and pests more effectively.
  • Increased Yield: With optimal conditions and nutrient availability, plants are likely to produce a more abundant harvest with potentially bigger and stickier buds.

How To Use Molasses For Growing Weed

To reap the benefits of blackstrap molasses in your cannabis garden, follow these steps:

  1. Choose the Right Product: Ensure you’re using unsulphured blackstrap molasses, as it is the purest form without additives that could harm your plants.

  2. Mixing it Up: Dilute one to two tablespoons of molasses in a gallon of water. This will be your molasses solution.

  3. Application: Use the molasses solution to water your plants, ensuring even distribution across the soil.

  4. Monitor and Adjust: Pay close attention to your plants’ response. If they show signs of distress, adjust the concentration or frequency of molasses application.

  5. Flush Before Harvest: To ensure a clean-tasting final product, cease molasses application a couple of weeks before harvest and flush the soil with plain water.

  6. Timing is Key: Start incorporating molasses into your feeding schedule during the transition to the flowering stage and continue until one to two weeks before harvest.

When To Use Molasses When Growing Weed?

The use of blackstrap molasses in the flowering stage of cannabis cultivation is more than an old wives’ tale.  Use molasses when entering flowering to spark the benefits.  Begin to feed slowly and monitor the plants receptiveness to your new feeding mixture.

The science supports its benefits, and the results speak for themselves. By following the guidelines outlined above, you can sweeten the deal for your cannabis plants, leading to a more fruitful and flavorful harvest. Embrace the molasses magic, and watch your cannabis garden flourish.