Top 3 Ways To Increase Your Weed Plant Yields According To Facebooks Top Cannabis Grow Group


There’s certain things in life you just need to do, or experience, to get a feel for. Cannabis cultivation is one of them. The variables are endless, the strain selection can change everything and simply because one crop reacted this way, doesn’t always mean that will repeat itself – we’re dealing with sensitive living creatures here so it’s important we can understand what they’re trying to tell us at all times.

We dove to the depths of Facebook seeking to find the most active cannabis cultivar groups with a high level of experience. I’m High and These Are Not House Plants is a group exceeding 20k cultivars actively trading industry secrets with one questions – how the hell can we improve the yields on our home grow?

So let’s dive in, here’s the top 3 tips to achieving high yields from the members of one of Facebooks most active cannabis grow groups – I’m High and These Are Not House Plants.

What are your top 3 tips to achieving higher yields?

  • CO2
  • Light mover
  • Nutrients

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  • Good lights, good nutrients, good airflow. That’s just the tip of the iceberg, really. There’s so many steps involved to seeing a plant through all growth stages to reach its full potential.
  • Any and every stress inducing mistake made reduces that potential.
  • Don’t screw up.

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  • Lst
  • Topping
  • A good light
  • Genetics are a major factor too.

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  • Don’t flip unhealthy plants.
  • Low stress training.
  • Loli pop so have more colas so the plant uses all energy on the canopy

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  • Banana peel tea is a good cheap way to get a lot of potassium for the bud stage. I always do it in my soil grows

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  • Genetics
  • Genetics
  • Genetics

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  • Get your husbandry on point
  • Get familiar with low and high stress training
  • Proper light and lots of medium – the bigger the roots the bigger the fruits.

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  • Fan leaves make stems grow.
  • Real Grower’s Recharge can fix 75%+ of the mistakes you make.

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  • Yield: hydro or coco over soil, proper VPD & DLI

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  • The biggest factors for us are using DWC, having quality lights and diligently monitoring pH and PPM.
  • Of course, nutrients are a big factor and we are obsessed with scrogging. It’s really helped the colas to fill out much further down the stems than when we let them grow vertically.

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  • Study like it’s college.
  • Spend big and get good lights.
  • Every appliance tool and scientific meter you can add to your method will improve your results.

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  • PH your water appropriately for your grow medium. Your plant is only able to access the nutrients if the pH is in the proper range.

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  • Grow hydroponically
  • Choose known large yielding commercial strains, tailor spectral output to strain.
  • Run boosters week four onwards of flower, keep nitrates low, set up good architecture in veg.
  • Veg seedlings sixty days as general rule. Light intensity directly correlates to final achievable weight.
  • Foliar feed.

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  • LST
  • FIM
  • Great light

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